Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thank Goodness Christmas is over!

i never really enjoy the holidays but this year has been the worst christmas ever. wont get into the the reasons why but it just wasn't fun with what seemed to be the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I am looking forward to this new year! i have hope that i will be able to correct my wrongs and forgiveness will be forth coming and we can get back to the business of living instead of this miserable existence.

i am reading a new zombie book, so far i'm digging it! I will do a review of sorts when i'm done.

got our first real snow today, yesterday was a green christmas, it really didn't feel like christmas not sure if it was the lack of snow or the other junk?

i hope and pray that everyone enjoyed their christmas, and that it was peaceful and drama free


Sunday, December 23, 2012

This is something I wrote a couple years ago and some of you may have read this, I have added a bit to it this year so there are some changes, for those of you who have not read this before I pray that it makes you take pause and consider your life, your destiny and your eternity.

Mary Christmas!

I wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Mary Christmas.
Yes I know it should be Merry Christmas. I was thinking that it might be a good time to acknowledge the Virgin Mary in this quick note.

So we all know that the reason for the season is of course Jesus Christ. But I think there is value in taking a quick look at Mary this Christmas season.

I think we should honor Mary for a number of reasons such as her character and integrity. The angel said to her that she was highly favored by God when he announced to her that she was to conceive the savior of the world. How can one be highly favored by a perfect and Holy God with out having an excellent character. It makes me ponder what kind of person one must be to be highly favored by God and for God to have that kind of confidence in them to raise his son and usher in the new covenant that has the potential to reconcile all mankind back to God?

This virgin birth is one of the cornerstones to our faith, there are many prophecies concerning the messiah but the virgin birth has to be one of the big ones. Indeed this is one of the main things that set Jesus apart from other religious figures of other faiths, Buddha, Mohammed, nor could Krishna make the claim to be the son of God. It was Christ’s divinity that allowed him to be the savior of the world, and it was the virgin birth that fulfilled what was written by the prophet Isaiah so many hundreds of years before.

Isa 7:14

14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

For those of you who aren’t aware the name Immanuel when translated means “God with us” and that is the beauty of our faith, our God clothed himself in flesh and came to save us!

And to my friends that scoff at the concept of the virgin birth, from our view, our God is the creator of everything and as the author of life the virgin birth was indeed miraculous but ultimately not out of Gods ability, and to my friends who scoff at the virgin birth and have chosen evolution as your religion since you believe and profess that life came from nothing, the virgin birth should come as no surprise.

Would Mary have perpetrated this ruse if it wasn't true? In her time and culture being pregnant out of wed lock could have been her death if Joseph had chosen. She could have claimed rape or some other claim but she didn't she clung to the promise of God in her life and his protection and provision. She accepted the call on her life despite the inherent risk to herself while so many turn their backs on God when he calls them into a soul saving relationship with him.

Another thing to contemplate about her character is her faith! She didn’t doubt that God was going to do what he said he was going to do. She did ask the angel how it was all going to happen though. But keep in mind that she was asking the how; not doubting. God doesn’t mind you asking about logistics he does mind doubt though.

God trusted her to raise his son as her son, to train him in all ways. What an honor but not with out its risks. In that day and age to be pregnant without being married was punishable by stoning. The fact was she had the faith in God to risk being killed showed her devotion to God.

She not only saw the beauty and wonderment of the life that sprang forth from her body and all the miracles that Jesus would do, but she was there as a faithful witness to the mutilation and final death of her son. I think sometimes we forget the human trauma she suffered while witnessing all of these things because we get wrapped up in the “theology” of the season. Can you imagine watching your son being killed in front of you?

 Mary watched, that’s what she did. She watched the savior take his first steps, she watched as he played, she watched as he became a man, she watched as he learned his earthly fathers’ trade, she watched as he turned water into wine, she watched demons departed at his voice, and people healed just by touching his clothes. But this isn’t all she observed. She watched as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to the cheering of the multitude, she also watched that multitude turn on her son and chant for his crucifixion, she watched the religious leaders beat her son and pull his beard, she watched roman soldiers flog her son till his insides were exposed, and she watched them nail her son, her baby to a cross, she watched as he gave his last breath, she watched as they stabbed him with a spear to see if he was dead, she watched as the centurion that carried out the murder of her son changed his mind and decided that her son was the son of God, she watched as they took his body down from the cross, she watched as they laid him in a tomb. Can you imagine witnessing the destruction of your child?

But there were other things she witnessed, she was there when he had risen and appeared to them, she was there when he ascended to heaven to receive his kingdom, and she was there on the day of Pentecost when the church was born in fulfillment of her sons’ life work.

To really think about it, it’s all too much to bear! What a strong woman, strong in character and strong in faith. I don’t think we should worship Mary as some do, but we should be willing to look at her life and find an excellent example and encouragement.

As we look to this New Year I pray that we all may have a Mary heart, be submitted to God, and willing to watch what he does in our lives!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

I finished up Victoria Adams book entitled "Who I Am Yesterday"

A beautiful and heart wrenching tale of love, commitment and grief. Victoria Adams delves deep into her own pain as she recounts her husband’s decent into dementia. She also covers some of the basics for people who might be thrust into this new season of life of a loved one as she shares some of her hard won wisdom. A true account of love unconditional……….


not able to get a pic of the cover sorry 

I had the pleasure of reading "The Reawakening" by Joseph Souza, this is what i posted on amazon and good read for it. 

They say you are what you eat, but what if what you eat starts mutating because of scientist wanted to play God? If you’re having trouble imagining the fallout Souza lays it out for you! It has everything you need, science, zombies, guns, and characters trying to come to grips with the world crumbling around them! 

it was really good i enjoyed it. the zombie genre is somewhat limiting and i appreciate it when an author is able to come up with another way of approaching it. 


Friday, December 21, 2012

Internet has been down, finally got it up and running today!

winter has officially arrived! blustery cold today, i dont mind snow that much although i could live without it, i dont even mind the cold that much, but that wind blowing down from lake michigan is COLD!!!

i love the lake and we only live about 35 miles from it, but the down side is the weather from it.

been working as much as i can, physically i've really had a hard time lately so sitting at the desk was just not an option

I am up to around 20K words on soul whispers but i've run into a problem not a big one but got to get something figured out before i can continue, i am finding that being this organized before writing has really helped tho, i'm happy with my progress! just things didn't work out quite like i had planned.

Kids are out for christmas break so no more getting up at 6am!! for a while YAY!!!! but then again they are home too................

hopefully later i will get a review done for a book i read and post it here, amazon, and good reads at least. got to help my Indie brethren.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

so i just havent accomplished much the last 3-4 days, been feeling blah and busy. i'm ok with this i have no dead lines, also dealing with a proposed chapter that just isnt gelling like i thought it would and trying to decide if i should just delete it completely or shrink it down and add the info which isnt all that important into another chapter and be done with is.

as most everyone knows yesterday some douche bag in CT. walked into a school and shot a bunch of little kids. its quite the buzz on facebook. its a very sad state of affairs indeed.

i've seen posts by the same people who are fighting to kick god out of every place now get upset with him because he didnt stop this..... just a bit hypocritical isnt it? certain people decided God shouldnt be allowed in our schools how can he swoop in and save?

i think in this time of year we would do better turning to God instead of blaming him........

I think Mr. Ceelo Green puts it best in this video

Thursday, December 13, 2012

its thursday.

so today is 12.13.12 i am still dealing with the let down of the magical date not bring the zombie apocalypse!

i dont know if i should get excited about the mayan calender thing or not. there is a very good debate of the inaccuracy of the date because the mayans didnt have leap year........... so prolly gonna be a bust.

havent gotten much done the last couple of days....... its ok life happens!

i am hoping to get some stuff done today but so far looks to be a bust. i did get a very small bit of editing done on Krokodil tho so i'm thrilled about that I hate editing once the story is told i want nothing to do with it....... does that make me a "one night stand writer?" or a "slam bang thank you ma'am" writer?

tonight seems like fighting with the kids is the order of the day. as all of you parents know there are days when you cant get them to do anything.......... this last week has been that day, only now momma is off work and i got back up.... i told them "get your messes cleaned up before mom gets off work and sees them"

they should totally listen to dad!

in other news this lil blog without too much pushing had 925 page views last i looked. thank you to everyone who has stopped in.

i still need to sit down and actually read some blogs and get some ideas for content, i really wasnt prepared when i started it. i was talking with an author friend and she was rattling off all these things to do and i jumped on it.......

twitter is growing nicely over 1900 followers now, i still dont get twitter really. meet some really nice people on there tho but most of it is people who just posts ads non stop without much interaction. i dont like that, i want to try and get to know everyone........ silly i know and not realistic

OK i've rambled take care my friends!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


so today is 12.12.12....... and i dont care do da do da

look if zombies arent coming its just another day right?
 havent slept in over 24 hours doubt i get much writing done tonight, didnt get anything done to speak of yesterday, sometimes life just happens!

got stew on the stove, kids are upstairs running back and forth instead of doing what they are supposed to do. wifey is sleeping she was up over 24 too and worked last night.

the new book "Soul Whispers" is coming along nicely i think? its coming along at any rate. it is at right around 13k. which is pretty good considering i haven't been working on it long and i usually only do 1k words a day.

My twitter is moving along i am over 1900 followers

and as usual my author page is

so check out the fun stuff going on there.


Monday, December 10, 2012


so my 7th grade son is sitting at my computer and reading some of my new book.... comes into the kitchen and basically says my grammar sucks and offers to edit it for me, then he tells me he added some more description to a scene.... apparently it was lacking...........................

in other news i'm up to 12.5K words on the new project "Soul Whispers" 

i also came up with a good idea for a story line last night and didnt get a chance to write it down hoping it comes back to me. 

thinking about doing pinterest? just for posting pictures of things that inspire my writing? i dunno social networking and "marketing" takes up so much time now

Books i'm reading at the moment. Who I Am Yesterday by Victoria Adams


The Reawakening by Joesph Souza

Saturday, December 8, 2012

good day today, got 2k words done on Soul Whispers bring me up to a grand total of 11.5k words on the new project!!!

been just trying to average 1k words a day, if i manage that i can write a novel in three months or less! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

An excellent day!!!!

been a great day, stayed up way late last night got up way late and havent done jack all day!!! i did watch 6 episodes of Warehouse 13 tho........ does that count?

last night i got most of todays writing goal done so i just have a little bit left to do and then i can go back to bed!!!!

here is the link for my author page


Tuesday, December 4, 2012


been writing some! now that the computer issues is solved getting back into the whole writing routine. started a new story called "soul whispers" i'm excited about it!

also been fighting with twitter they have the silly 2k rules and so i have been scrambling to delete businesses and inactive accounts so i have some room.

how about all of you? whats going on in your worlds?


Sunday, December 2, 2012

another for your reading pleasure!!

this is what Christy and I did for the final round of the contest, we wanted to do something different than we did on the first round, we had a lot of fun with this, to us it was funny, who knows if anyone else gets it.

the prompt was 1940's monster movies

Monster Bash
Jason Mueller and C.L. Foster

Drac was frantically running about very worried. His annual Halloween Monster Bash was turning out horribly! Many guests had not yet arrived in attempts at being fashionably late and the other guests were just sitting in awkward silence, lost in their own little worlds. Why wasn’t anyone talking or dancing? Was it bad music? Doesn’t everyone like Culture Club? Surely they can find common ground and mingle like they have each year Drac had thrown this little soiree, but now they were acting like they were at some social gathering for outcasts.
The place was a mess already! Cups and plates were everywhere and the remains of Frank’s wife, Elizabeth’s confetti and glitter concoction were littered all over everything. Evil woman! Being Franky's "Bride" for so long made her do stupid things. How dare she get Drac all covered in the tiny shards of sparkly things? Did she not know that vampires are virile and strong and should never be glittery? Really. I am not a sissy, for crying out loud!, he wanted to scream at her. Women!
And his carpet, his beautiful carpet! Blast that minion for dropping his favorite chafing dish full of Lil Smokies and BBQ sauce. Drac had asked that Renfield hire some help, but the least he could do would be to find some people with adequate knowledge of party service and proper balance. Was that asking too much? Seriously. He so loved the whole BBQ sauce thing since it reminded everyone of blood and who doesn’t like tiny finger-foods? It looked like a bowl full of appendages and, truly, theme is important at those types of things, but now his flooring looked like a blood and sparkle contest or some grotesque art sloshed across his antique rug. The carpet matched Drac's feelings about the evening so far.
Drac took pride in his castle and especially wanted to make a statement for this particular year. Special occasions aren’t typically celebrated among this sort of crowd, but Drac appreciated the longevity of his annual shindig and 50-years was a nice number. Half of a century of enjoying the same company could either be completely boring or thrilling, depending on the host and setting, so Drac always put his best foot forward.
“Do you really want to hurt me?” Drac grinned to himself realizing the lyrics were so apropos for this particular bunch of guests.
Every year he put out the finest cobwebs and spiders - if he could get Renfield to stop eating them. He also had the cemetery out back spruced up and imported exotic ravens so that at the end they could all enjoy a raven releasing party. Nothing but the best for his prestigious guests! Although, if those damned birds pluck out any eyes this year it would be the last year he ordered those Chinese crows!
The kicker this year so far was that Wolfy was already drunk on Mad Dog 20/20 and he was hiking his leg and piddling on everything in sight. To make matters even worse, he tried humping the Phantom’s leg. Oh how he had a French snit! No wonder they didn't like him there at that opera house in Paris and Christine had broken up with him! Really that guy is kind of high maintenance, so I dont blame her really, Drac chuckled half-hearted as he headed into the castle kitchen to check on those wretched new minions that Renfield had hired. It’s not that he had a problem with wretched, in fact he rather liked wretched, but when they started dropping his best chafing dishes and ruining his favorite day of the year, it just rubbed his fangs the wrong way.  
The kitchen was bustling and everything looked in order. Finally, something was going right! With a toothy smile, he started to make his way back to the living room, to continue his hosting duties.
Ding, ding, ding, DOOOOONNNNGGGG.  “Ahh, another guest!” he announced to everyone as he clapped his hands happily and glided to the massive door to greet his newest guests.
“Velcome vriends” his best Southern drawl fluttered toward the door as he opened it with a bow.
Drac snarled as he overheard Wolfy ask Swampy “Why’s he talking like that?”
A frightened look was smeared across the face of a boy wearing a Transylvanian Pizza Palace uniform shirt. “Umm, that will be fifteen dollars sir.”
Drac glared at the slouchy form of the pint-sized irritation at his door. “I’m sorry, but I believe you have the wrong house, my dear boy," Drac seethed.
“I ordered it Drac, let the boy in.” Griffin, the Invisible Man, slurred in his ear.
Drac hated it when Griff snuck up on him, once when they were kids Griff had snuck up and stuck a clove of garlic down his shorts and had laughed himself silly as Drac frantically tried to pull the clove out of his underwear before he repulsed himself right into oblivion. Drac had given him a little bite in return but Griff ran home and told his mother and she called Drac’s mother who was so mad that she fed him an Irish man for supper.
“Fine,” Drac said as stalked away in a huff, trying not to sulk when he overheard Griff tell the young man, “Come on in and meet my friend, Wolfy!”
At this Drac’s fangs came out and it was everything he could do to not bite that delivery boy or tell Griff where to stick it, but being the gracious host as always, he kept it to himself. The more, the merrier, he supposed. Realizing that no one had bothered to shut the door he went back indignantly, but it was lost on the others. As he shut the door, he turned around and slipped on something wet on the floor. Really Swampy!? This is not the Black Lagoon! Must you drip all over the place? What if someone falls? What if they sue? My homeowner’s insurance is already astronomical! That would ruin his party in a big way.
Well, at least things are picking up a little bit now, Drac mused as he took a seat and surveyed the room silently. Griff and the pizza boy looked like they had some kind of herbs in a baggie. Drac absently hoped it wasn't wolfsbane or something illegal like that. Wolfy was slow dancing with Elizabeth now. No more Sade on the playlist, he decided. The Stein’s were an unlikely couple, most folks thought that Frank wasn’t all that into girls and she well, she was a bit on the loose side and it had nothing to do with her stitching, but even with their differences they still managed to keep up appearances.
Phantom and Swampy were now over by the fireplace playing quarters and it was hard to tell who was winning. Mummy was shambling toward them with a piece of toilet paper dragging along. Drac chuckled to himself as he perched on his new sectional that he was hoping at least someone would notice or mention. He suddenly regretted his choice of seats while trying to ignore the dampness soaking through his pants. He kept the look of alarm from his face and he quickly stood and discreetly examined the damage while hoping that Swampy had sat here before and it wasn't more of Wolfy’s marking. His maid service bill was going to be ridiculous this week.
He looked over at Wolfy and Elizabeth contemplating the issue their closeness was going to cause. He watched, stunned as she dirty danced with him and then broke out  doing the Wobble. This is not going to be good. Seriously can Wolfy be anymore of a dog? he cringed. If Frank saw this, there would be Hell to pay.
I wish the rest of the guest would get here. With a gleeful smirk, he thought about the swag bags he had to give out when the party was over. What an epic finale to the night!
The evening went on and everyone seemed to be having a good time and more guests had arrived and the party was in full swing. Wolfy and Elizabeth disappeared. Since Wolfy shed everywhere and Drac was a little allergic to animal dander, he had just anticipated and taken a Claritin before the party to ease his symptoms. Where have they disappeared to now?I hope they aren’t in my bed, he groused.
Dr. Death was chatting up one of the wretched minion chicks. The good doctor was always doing something droll and rather commonly so it didn’t really surprise Drac. The Wild Woman was flirty with Phantom. She was really laying it on thick and trying to get him to go home with her so she could find out what really awaited behind the mask. The dreadful delivery boy was in a twenty-minute lip lock with Paula Clayton Reed. Drac shuddered, Man, that is one Weird Woman!
Three hours later everything was winding down. Guests were beginning to head for the door where Drac stood proudly with a stack of swag bags ready to be passed out in thanks to everyone for coming and making it a lovely evening. Even though things weren't perfect, the party was still a huge success.
A few of the monsters had been a bit of an embarrassment. Wolfy was still not back with Elizabeth. Thank the heavens Griff is invisible, Drac thought, glancing over to where the man lay face down on his beautiful BBQ-stained carpet covered in glitter and sauce with his pants down around his ankles. Apparently Mummy had snuck up behind Griff and depantsed him. Griff then tripped over his own pants and fell to the floor where he promptly passed out, good ol Mummy!
Dr. Death walked out with a smile and nod. A swag bag in one hand and the minion in the other. Drac learned her name was Susan, That sounds familiar for some reason, Drac pondered momentarily.
Suddenly,  a commotion broke out as the rest of the guest snatched their swag bags out of Drac's hand and ran out the door.
“Noooooooo, you can’t do this to me, you can’t leave me for him! What will people think? I will be the laughing-stock of the country club,” Frank wailed with tears running down his cheeks, sending sparks as the drops hit his neck bolts.
“Frank, you know I’ve been miserable and falling to pieces for a long time, you don’t excite me anymore. Wolfy makes me want to howl at the moon, you don't do that for me anymore! I hate to drop this on you like this, but I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to have Wolfy’s litter. It’s over Frank. Goodbye.” With that the new couple grabbed their swag bags and was out the door without another word. Drac watched the two head for Wolfy’s VW MiniBus, he rolled his eyes as Wolfy marked every tree and bush on the way, it got really ugly when Elizabeth tried to mark a bush also. She‘s doing it wrong. Bless her heart.
Frank was a blubbering mess. Everyone was gone now leaving Drac to deal with the heartbroken sap. It was more likely that Frank was embarrassed that an upper-class guy like himself would be dumped by a has-been like Elizabeth.
Drac made Frank a cup of peppermint tea, knowing that the big man would end up with a headache, like he always did after a good cry. Peppermint tea always seemed to help calm Frank down. For such a big guy, Frank really was a fragile and genteel soul.
Drac sat down on another spot on the sectional and again found a wet spot. He touched the spot and sniffed his finger. Ugh, it wasn't Swampy, it was Wolfy!, he mused disgustedly. He sat, stirring his own cup of peppermint tea and stared off into space wondering to himself what next year might bring.

another flash fiction piece i did and won!!!

Shower Time
Jason Mueller

After one more peek in at the baby, Sandy locked the front door and padded to the bathroom. Finally asleep. Shower time!, she thought gleefully. Turning the shower on, she stripped out of her jeans and t-shirt and stood looking at herself in the mirror. Not bad for just having a baby, she mused as she turned side to side inspecting her figure. Her figure had changed since having Abby three months ago. She thought she was more womanly now with her fuller breasts and belly. I’m not fat though, I’m thick and sexy. The steam from the shower slowly obscured her image as she watched mesmerized until she was gone.

She went to the cabinet to get a towel and washcloth and as she was stepping into the shower, she heard the front door slam shut. A shiver went down her entire body as fear took hold. She and Abby were alone while Abby’s father was stationed in Afghanistan. She timidly went to the door and peeked out down the long hallway, but saw nothing. Then the footsteps started toward her, rapidly approaching as if someone were wearing cowboy boots and in a hurry. Coming straight for her. Louder and closer they came, Sandy ducked back into the bathroom with a yelp and locked the door behind her. As she twisted the lock, feelings of guilt for leaving Abby alone assailed her, but what could she do?

She put her ear to the door. Nothing, not a sound. Had she imagined it? Surely she didn’t just imagine all of that from being a little frightened.

Trembling, she opened the door. She had to know if something was out there and if Abby was safe. She stuck her head out, there was nothing. No one and no sound. She made her way down the hall. I’ve never been afraid of the daylight, this is silly, she admonished. She looked in with relief on Abby to find she was still sleeping like an angel.

Starting to feel better she made a quick check of the house and found nothing. Am I losing my mind?, she began to wonder and she scampered back to the bathroom hoping no one was looking in the windows.

Stepping in the bathroom, she froze in horror at the mirror when she noticed a large handprint. It was larger than a mans by more than double, she guessed. She frantically searched through the steamy bathroom but there was no one in there with her that she could see.

A cold breeze blew on her naked skin sending instantaneous goosebumps and chills racing along her spine. Her eyes snapped back to the mirror. As she watched the reflection in terror, an invisible figure started to write slowly on the foggy glass. Her heart felt as if it were going to stop beating as each letter appeared.

Finally it was done. The message read, “Want Abby.”

She stood in front of the mirror dumbfounded as the realization hit her that someone or something wanted her baby. “NO!” she shouted hoping that she could scare away whatever it was that was threatening her and her baby.

An almost electrical feeling arced it’s way through the bathroom. The mirror began fogging over again and, in desperation, she reached out with the washcloth in her hand and made a single swipe across the glass. Reflected behind her was a creature that her mind could not even fathom. Towering over her was a black, leathery skinned creature with teeth that seemed to jut from its mouth in razor sharp points. It’s eyes were a blackish-red with flashes of yellow, she noticed as they stared back at her menacingly.

Sandy screamed and in a flash, her face was slamming through the glass on the mirror. Knocked  senseless, her face was cut and bleeding profusely. She felt strong hands in her hair tossing her to the floor as she fought, but to no avail. She could feel her legs being forced apart, she could feel the weight of what she now realized was a demon on her and a hardness enter her.

When the demon was done with her she was lifted up again and dangled limply by her hair. Despite the pain that racked her body, she looked into the demon’s eyes and immediately got lost in the flames that seemed to dance within the blackish orbs. With a sneer, the demon tossed her through the glass door of the shower causing her head to bounce off of the tile. The water scalded her as she lost consciousness. The deep lacerations on her face and body seeped blood that flowed lazily down the drain.

Sandy awoke in the what she could only guess was a hospital room. She sat on the edge of the bed noticing that her clothing was made of a paper-like material. She hurt from head-to-toe from the cuts and impacts she had suffered, but the most painful was the burning sensation between her legs and her belly. She lurched to the door to find the room locked, everything came rushing back to her, the demon, her attack, the pain, and Abby. Sandy’s mind broke and she started to scream.


Sandy was shackled and now sitting in the institution’s staff psychiatrist office.

“Sandy I have some hard questions for you, but I have to ask them. Why did you kill your baby, Sandy?” The old doctor asked, seeming somewhat disinterested.

“I didn’t kill my baby! It was a demon, look at what it did to me!,” she screamed and broke into sobs.

“I’m sorry Sandy, but thats not what the police and the evidence show. Sandy, can you tell me how far along in your pregnancy you are?”

“I’m not pregnant!” She wept bitterly, but deep inside she knew the searing burn of her insides could only be a monster inside her and when it was done, the flames would sear her soul.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blog Hop!!!

I was tagged to be part of The Next Big Thing blog hop by the lovely and talented Bathsheba Dailey you can check out her blog at

Ten Interview Questions for the Next Big Thing:

I have to do a quick disclaimer, I haven’t been published and I won’t be for a while but I will try to answer as best as I can but I may stray a bit because of my personal situation.

What is your working title of your book?

Well I have several books in various stages of completion two are in need of editing but I despise editing so far and so they sit. And the others are in various stages. Some of my titles are Krokodil, Reclamation, Sons of Sceva, Soul Whispers, The Girls of Purgatory, and Hell Patrol to name a few.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

I get a lot of my ideas from my dreams, and things just pop into my head I can’t really explain and it usually isn’t a struggle to come up with ideas.

What genre does your book fall under?

Good question! I would guess paranormal/horror?

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Oh gee I don’t know!  I honestly don’t know who all is out there; my wife does so I would probably defer to her. I do know that without a doubt that Johnny Depp will never play one of my characters……………… maybe Chuck Norris?

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

I can do better I can sum it up in two words for all of them so far. Death and Possession

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I Dunno? I’m not there yet and I have no idea, sure it would be great to get picked up by a big house like Simon and Shuster but………..   
I don’t like deadlines so maybe self?

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Three to seven months just depending so far, haven’t really kept track and I’m still new to the writing game and hoping that as my skills develop I will get faster.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Zombie books I would say Day by Day Armageddon by J.L. Bourne
The others? I have no idea, haven’t really read anything like them. I’m sure there are plenty out there. I don’t read a lot of fiction  

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

I wish I knew, I just get an idea and start writing, I don’t know that there is any more motivation than just it popped into my head……….. I know lame!

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Well since I don’t have a book, I will say something about me that might interest potential readers. I have had several paranormal encounters, at least other people tend to think the number is alot, I also have had reoccurring dreams and frequent déjà vu experiences my entire life and still do. I grew up in Decatur Illinois and played in cemetery and area famous for being haunted. And to top it all off before I got derailed I studied for the ministry for nearly ten years. I have read the Old testament almost eight times and the New Testament almost sixteen times. Plus I have read countless books on possession and spiritual warfare……….. it kind of makes for a mess!


And now to introduce the next five authors 

Mrs. Victoria Adams a genteel bell from out west check her out here

Poet Patrick Daniel Read  check him and his work out at

Check out the musings of Mr. Avery Tingle at

The Lovely and mysterious Lucia Adams can be found here

And finally the horror-ific DC McGannon at

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

hey folks its been a while. the stupid computer situation is finally resolved the last time i got it back within a couple days the hard drive went out and its taken this long to get another computer worked out with the store. so a new to me machine and hopefully some smooth sailing for a while. it's really hard to write with no machine although i did do a lot of organizational type stuff like character bio's etc.

so i think i've got everything loaded and ready to go. 


Monday, November 19, 2012

today ran errands, mother in law in town for thanksgiving.

life is good.

writing wise. very much the same as yesterday still working on character bio's for sons of sceva and thinking about an idea for my Krokodil project.

i didnt hear back from the computer place today i was hoping they would return my call, i guess i will have to call them tomorrow and see what they want to do. last time they said they would maybe give me a different machine, but they dont have any 17 inch laptops so who knows what i could end up with right now i would even take a desk top if it ran right.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Been a good day got up and went to church, came home watched a couple of stupid movies on Netflix but at least they are off the que !

and then i took a nap, and it was wonderful!!!

hung out with the kids watched a few episodes of Supernatural on Netflix

i just love Netflix!!!

and now the kids are in bed wifey is fixin to sit in the whirl pool and soak and i thought i would catch up with you folks and work some more on character bio's for my Sons of Sceva project.

Last night i also tinkered with my first book Krokodil, i hate editing and boy its a mess! the point is tho is that it was my first and looking back the short time between now and then (finished it in March) i write a lot better now, of course i am still new to the game and have tons and tons to learn but i'm glad to be able to see some improvement!!!

ok good night folks


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Oh crap

Havent posted in a while. Just been busy with life.
Got out if the house last night and saw "Sinister" not a bad movie if you get the chance check it out sometime.

The computer is dead ..... again. :(

They said the last time that if anything else went wrong they would see about getting me into something else. Hoping to find out Monday or so. In the mean time i'm back to my phone :) oh well thank god for smart phones!

So today i am doing charecter bios for a project i kinda like the organizing better than the writing anymore.

Been struggling with getting back in the groove with all the computer problems. Not having it for a month really through me off.  I feel like i was starting to get going again and now this its kind of frustrating!

So anyhow i saw today that i might be able to post quick pictures on here. I might try that :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

started a new project! its a vampire themed story, we'll see how it goes, not sure i want to do a vamp book but who knows if it works out?

in silly news i got a new binder to keep all my notes in! its the little things sometimes :) it still doesnt hold everything tho but most!

Monday, November 12, 2012

i seem to be betting my groove back a little bit finally!
problem now is got too much going maybe?

still better than not being able to put out anything right?

life is good!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hello folks!

still working on some organizational stuff, kind of scattered brained but i have multiple stories coming together for the future!! so i'll take what i can get!

i'm excited i am only 7 views away from 500 views for this blog thank you very much to everyone who's taken the time to check this out. i hope to do a better job with it in the future!

I read a disturbing news story today in Tanner Alabama vandals have destroyed nearly 70 head stones. what douche bags!!!!

here is the story

and in other news more election news. here is an interview from Herman Cain. i wish he would have gotten the nomination

Saturday, November 10, 2012

having a hard time getting back into the groove after not having a computer for almost a month :( i did manage to write a couple hundred words last night, they are prolly crap but who cares they are words!!!

but even better was i got some more organizing done. i got 17 chapters somewhat laid out for a future project "Soul Whispers" and started a rough synopsis for another project "Shadow"

i've also been working on getting my twitter world more manageable. i'm at around 950 people now!!! yay!
i down loaded tweetdeck and its helpful but its not the end all. i still use the web site for some stuff, it just works better.

hoping i can actually start "writing" soon


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

well the election is over, as most of you know Obama got re-elected, while i am a staunch conservative i wont whine and pee my pants over this. Romney was a poor choice as well. the conservative/republican party need to clean house and get rid of the old guard and we have to quit scraping the bottom of the barrel for candidates. i mean in 2008 McCain was the best we could do? i have no idea how that guy is even considered a republican?

i voted for ron paul in the primary even though i knew he didnt have a prayer in hell of getting it. he's radical but i think that we need someone who is radical and then between them and the folks who are stuck in the old ways we might get a decent compromise.

at any rate our message as republicans does not resonate with the american people.

almost on page 9 of my synopsis for the new project. kind of bogged down as this is the climax and a lot more thinking is involved and face it i've been distracted on facebook with the election and all :D


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

went and voted this morning, i always enjoy doing that. i really dont trust the electronic machines tho but what can u do?

i hope u all vote this is an important election this year! of course every election is important but the country really seems to be at a cross roads this time. neither candidate deserve our votes but at this point third party candidates are a wasted vote so what are ya gonna do?

i am still working on the synopsis, i'm on page 7 now, but i am almost to the end of the story and then its time to do............. truth is i really don't know

progress is progress but i'm really not sure on direction right now. this doesnt bother me, it will work its self out when the time is right


Monday, November 5, 2012

so trying to get back in the groove after not having a computer for so long. i've been working on a synopsis for a future book. i've written a few small synopsis but i am a full five pages into it and i'm not done and this is  single spaced!

also downloaded tweetdeck to help out with the twitter stuff! and its pretty cool. the silly thing is you cant cut and past anything into the tweet box on it? still got to go through the web site for that but no biggie!

tomorrow is election day dont forget to vote!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another Flash Fiction Piece

Hey folks last week i entered into another flash fiction contest and won that one. thought you might like to read it :)

Shower Time
Jason Mueller

After one more peek in at the baby, Sandy locked the front door and padded to the bathroom. Finally asleep. Shower time!, she thought gleefully. Turning the shower on, she stripped out of her jeans and t-shirt and stood looking at herself in the mirror. Not bad for just having a baby, she mused as she turned side to side inspecting her figure. Her figure had changed since having Abby three months ago. She thought she was more womanly now with her fuller breasts and belly. I’m not fat though, I’m thick and sexy. The steam from the shower slowly obscured her image as she watched mesmerized until she was gone.

She went to the cabinet to get a towel and washcloth and as she was stepping into the shower, she heard the front door slam shut. A shiver went down her entire body as fear took hold. She and Abby were alone while Abby’s father was stationed in Afghanistan. She timidly went to the door and peeked out down the long hallway, but saw nothing. Then the footsteps started toward her, rapidly approaching as if someone were wearing cowboy boots and in a hurry. Coming straight for her. Louder and closer they came, Sandy ducked back into the bathroom with a yelp and locked the door behind her. As she twisted the lock, feelings of guilt for leaving Abby alone assailed her, but what could she do?

She put her ear to the door. Nothing, not a sound. Had she imagined it? Surely she didn’t just imagine all of that from being a little frightened.

Trembling, she opened the door. She had to know if something was out there and if Abby was safe. She stuck her head out, there was nothing. No one and no sound. She made her way down the hall. I’ve never been afraid of the daylight, this is silly, she admonished. She looked in with relief on Abby to find she was still sleeping like an angel.

Starting to feel better she made a quick check of the house and found nothing. Am I losing my mind?, she began to wonder and she scampered back to the bathroom hoping no one was looking in the windows.

Stepping in the bathroom, she froze in horror at the mirror when she noticed a large handprint. It was larger than a mans by more than double, she guessed. She frantically searched through the steamy bathroom but there was no one in there with her that she could see.

A cold breeze blew on her naked skin sending instantaneous goosebumps and chills racing along her spine. Her eyes snapped back to the mirror. As she watched the reflection in terror, an invisible figure started to write slowly on the foggy glass. Her heart felt as if it were going to stop beating as each letter appeared.

Finally it was done. The message read, “Want Abby.”

She stood in front of the mirror dumbfounded as the realization hit her that someone or something wanted her baby. “NO!” she shouted hoping that she could scare away whatever it was that was threatening her and her baby.

An almost electrical feeling arced it’s way through the bathroom. The mirror began fogging over again and, in desperation, she reached out with the washcloth in her hand and made a single swipe across the glass. Reflected behind her was a creature that her mind could not even fathom. Towering over her was a black, leathery skinned creature with teeth that seemed to jut from its mouth in razor sharp points. It’s eyes were a blackish-red with flashes of yellow, she noticed as they stared back at her menacingly.

Sandy screamed and in a flash, her face was slamming through the glass on the mirror. Knocked  senseless, her face was cut and bleeding profusely. She felt strong hands in her hair tossing her to the floor as she fought, but to no avail. She could feel her legs being forced apart, she could feel the weight of what she now realized was a demon on her and a hardness enter her.

When the demon was done with her she was lifted up again and dangled limply by her hair. Despite the pain that racked her body, she looked into the demon’s eyes and immediately got lost in the flames that seemed to dance within the blackish orbs. With a sneer, the demon tossed her through the glass door of the shower causing her head to bounce off of the tile. The water scalded her as she lost consciousness. The deep lacerations on her face and body seeped blood that flowed lazily down the drain.

Sandy awoke in the what she could only guess was a hospital room. She sat on the edge of the bed noticing that her clothing was made of a paper-like material. She hurt from head-to-toe from the cuts and impacts she had suffered, but the most painful was the burning sensation between her legs and her belly. She lurched to the door to find the room locked, everything came rushing back to her, the demon, her attack, the pain, and Abby. Sandy’s mind broke and she started to scream.


Sandy was shackled and now sitting in the institution’s staff psychiatrist office.

“Sandy I have some hard questions for you, but I have to ask them. Why did you kill your baby, Sandy?” The old doctor asked, seeming somewhat disinterested.

“I didn’t kill my baby! It was a demon, look at what it did to me!,” she screamed and broke into sobs.

“I’m sorry Sandy, but thats not what the police and the evidence show. Sandy, can you tell me how far along in your pregnancy you are?”

“I’m not pregnant!” She wept bitterly, but deep inside she knew the searing burn of her insides could only be a monster inside her and when it was done, the flames would sear her soul.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

hello everyone,

not that you care but here is a brief update
been fighting with the computer as i've written for the better part of a month. i finally have it back and hopefully its right now.

been working on some new ideas, been doing some organizing writing wise and plugging away a little bit here and there.

also been dealing with some health issues that are getting worse. not looking for sympathy but is has changed some things.

life is good


Saturday, October 27, 2012

the final round of the Halloween Flash Fiction is upon us, the story is written and submitted. the final round is judged by the authors who participated so i have no idea how thats going to work, will they be salty over losing? will they be fair? will they like the story?

we'll find out wensday


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Flash Fiction Contest

Well tonight Christy Foster and I wrote our entry for the final round of the Flash fiction contest it is in editing as I write this, and will go out to beta readers tonight, any changes will be done tomorrow and this will be need to be turned in by 12p on Sunday so that it can be uploaded for the anthology that all of the stories will be published in through Smashwords


Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Going to pick up the computer, its not fixed, they ordered the wrong part. I told them i needed to come pick it up anyhow and i'll deal with the issues until they get the right part. The final round if the flash fiction round starts thursday they can have it back Monday

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Got up and went to church today, just a little country church. The music stunk and there wasnt any lights or giant TV screens and bells and whistles but the pastor preached good so what else do you need?

We are a family of 7 so yea we take up a whole pew :)

Been in major pain the last couple of days. Usually i just suffer through it but i've had to get into the pain pills and have been taking half of one, it helps a little but makes me foggy. I could be on them all the time but i hate how they make me feel.
Still no computer, i really want to get back to writing. But on the bright side i spend a few minutes here and there organizing and mapping out future projects and this is good.

Even though it may seem like i am complaining i'm not. Life is good! And i have better than i deserve..........


Saturday, October 20, 2012


Still no computer :(

They had to order yet another part. Hopefully soon?
In the mean time i am still working on organizational stuff and mapping out chapters on the next project. Or what i think will be the next project.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Computer guy called today, my computer still isn't done.
I'm glad he called and checked in but dang this is starting to suck.

Hard to do anything without a puter.

In other news, i bow have five children instead of four. We have a 7 yo boy, three 11 yo girls, and one 12 yo boy

Life is good

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blah blah

Still no computer, another book idea in the works. I literally have more projects than i can handle...... its horrible :)

In other news only 3 weeks until the election .... i'll be glad when its over


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Boring saturday

Pretty boring, rainy, gloomy saturday.
Yesterday i got 10 chapters mapped out for a future project. Ive never had a project this organized before. Wonder if its really going to help?

I have one chapter left on the reclamation project. And then in to something new. Someday i am going to have to start the editing process

Really need to get my computer back from the shop


Friday, October 12, 2012

The computer is in the shop so no writing for the time being.

Its not a bad thing really gives me a break and forces me to organize which i do by hand. Pen and paper are useful tools even in this age of electronics


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Great news Christy and I won the the first round of the Halloween Flash Fiction contest!!!!

later this month we will be given a "Prompt" that will tell us how to proceed and what to topic possibly to write for the final round there will be four of us in the final round. so we just got done with week 2 of the contest and round 3 submissions can be submitted friday and then voting again on monday. so we have a little bit of a wait.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


as of right now the voting for the halloween flash fiction contest i did with the Brilliant Christy Foster is going great but we could use some more votes!

please read the story at the link below and vote in the comments

Monday, October 8, 2012

Today is voting day for the Flash fiction piece i did with Christy Foster.

please go and check it out, if you like it then please vote for it down at the bottom of the page in the comments section.

thank you


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Plans and land mines.

so i had a plan as far as what i had hoped to have accomplished by Christmas of this year and  of next year and i felt good that i would be able to meet the goal and everything would work out.

well we all know how life goes, looks like part of my plan isnt going to happen. it always comes down to money.... or the lack of it i guess. doesnt seem like i will be able to get the website up at this point, which was very important to one of my projects, so i guess i need a new plan?

in the meantime i keep writing, i have plenty of project ideas so there is no problem there, but still i'd be lying if i said i wasnt a little bummed tho.

on a good note i am working on the last chapter i need to write for the "Reclamation" project so i am hoping to have it done this week and then i have the hard decision of what to work on next?

do i keep plugging away at other projects or do i attempt to at least start editing something, or both?

and what will my next project be? i got tons of ideas.

all in all not a horrible place to be, but man i really want that website going!


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Guys please consider voting for my collaboration story for the halloween flash fiction contest

Voting starts Monday!!!


Friday, October 5, 2012

Halloween Flash Fiction contest entry

Here is the link to the link to the collaboration between myself and Christy Lynn Foster

please enjoy!

Billy Carver
Jason Mueller and Christy Lynn Foster

Billy watched the ghastly scene play out before his eyes in the low light. Halloween was his favorite holiday of the year. He loved costumes, candy, and being scared. His parents had told him he couldn’t go trick-or-treating this year because he was fourteen now and “too old”. How could you be too old for fun?, he thought. He decided a Halloween movie could be fun. Despite what his parents said, he was going to enjoy tonight.  
The doorbell rang. He stopped watching the grisly murder-in-progress and stalked to the door. Yanking the door wide open, he was face-to-face with a princess. "Hi," she cooed, standing there in all her glorious splendor. “Trick or treat?”
“Oh look, a beautiful princess!” Billy exclaimed with well-practiced fake happiness, dumping a handful of Tootsie Rolls into the bag she held up to him. Her crown slid forward on her head, causing her to jerk the bag around and spilling the chocolate treats on the porch. Annoyed, but still polite, like any good boy should be, he helped her pick them up and shoved them into her bag.
“Umm, nice costume. You look really scary,” she said as he slammed the door ending the disturbance.
I don’t even have a costume on! Stupid little kids always trying to kiss an older kid’s ass. Lame, he thought nearly speaking aloud to the empty room out of pure aggravation. How dare she interrupt his Halloween movie?
The movie was immediately unpaused as he stepped back into the living room. The killer wielded a butcher knife and continued finishing off his victims. Billy watched in utter fascination as the killer did his work slashing and cutting, sending blood splatters in crazy patterns. The folks on CSI would give up in confusion or make a case-study out of his work if they saw it. He carved their faces, turning them into human jack o'lanterns; the killer was going to make sure they celebrated Halloween too.
Looks like they get a trick and the killer gets a treat, Billy thought with a chuckle.
Billy watched in silent awe as the killer, who he could never quite see, dragged the bodies to the dining room and placed them at the table. The father in his chair at the end, the mother to his left, and another young woman slumped lazily in her chair to the right. Happy little family.
Billy wondered if the young woman had a brother that she treated the same way his sick bitch of a sister always did him. Walking around half-naked, taunting him with comments like, “What are you looking at, perv?” when flashing him, sneaking her boyfriends into the house, and breaking all the rules. When mom and dad were out at the Knights of Columbus, she would screw whatever loser dredges she found on the street anywhere from the couch, kitchen, and even Billy’s own room. The poster child of perfection to her folks, always going to confession and pretending to be their angel, but took every chance she could to walk in on him in the bathroom or randomly touch him in ways a sister should not touch her baby brother. He was never any trouble, but always treated like the bad one. I bet the killer wouldn’t take that!, Billy mused angrily.
The killer finally had his project in place and went rummaging through the house trying to find candles. After what seemed like forever to Billy, the candles were lit and glowing on top of their heads. The killer screamed and cursed waving the knife like a conductor of a twisted symphony. Something must not be right with his creation.
He left the family in place and came back with an assortment of tools. In true festive pumpkin-carving technique, the killer hummed happily as he cut a section of scalp off the top of the father’s head, exposing the skull. Then, using a small saw he attempted to cut the top off the skull but the stupid head flopped back and forth. There is nothing duct tape can’t fix! The exasperated killer taped the father’s head to the chair to steady it and went back to work with the skull. Layers of bone seemed to disappear in seconds with the handy saw.
The killer then used a spoon straight from the kitchen to scoop out the insides of the skull. Instead of pumpkin seeds, pulp, and slimy fibrous strands, it was brain matter, blood, and nerves. What once served the family spaghetti or mashed potatoes, now served up daddy’s brains. To complete the job properly, the killer also removed the father’s eyes. With a sickening splat, they hit the hardwood floor, bounced slightly, then rolled under the table leaving a sticky red trail behind.
Once that part was complete, the killer placed the candle inside the hollowed out cranium and stood back to admire his handy-work. Yes, much better. Now the light glowed through like a true jack o’lantern. The killer moved next to the mother, leaving the young woman to be the finale of his collection of Halloween-themed trophies.
Diiiiiiiiiing Doooooooooooooooong!
Dammit!! Another sudden ring of the unwelcomed doorbell disgusted Billy. He had purposely shut off the porch light when the first beggar went away in the hopes of being left alone for the rest of the night. Why couldn’t these stupid trick-or-treaters just go away? Didn’t they realize they were ruining Billy’s Halloween movie?
He stalked angrily to the door and flung it open and there on the porch stood Andrew, one of his sisters many conquests. “Hey douche bag, where’s your sister?” he asked with his usual look of lazy contempt. He didn’t care about anything or anyone. Pathetic loser.  
“She’s kinda busy right now, but you can wait for her if you want.” Billy said, stepping back to allow Andrew to enter. Andrew strutted in, the typical jock with his “I’m-better-than-you” mentality.
“Why are all the lights off in here? What are you doing sittin’ the dark? Pullin’ your pud?” the idiot mocked.
“No I was just watching a movie.”
“You don’t even have the TV on dumbass.” Andrew sneered. Billy just wanted Andrew to leave; he needed to get back to the movie. The killer was just getting to the good part. Andrew, standing there like an idiot, was wasting his precious time.
The movie started again much to Billy’s dismay as he watched the killer and the blade dance through the darkness wildly toward Andrew hoping to add to the congregation in the dining room. The killer jumped onto Andrews back slashing away in a rage but the brute strength of the football player was too much for him. In a rush of pain and adrenaline, Andrew flipped the killer sprawling him to the floor.
“What the hell!” Andrew screamed at the silent figure on the floor. He staggered to the wall, fumbling in the darkness for the light switch. Light flooded the room, causing him momentary blindness. Once his eyes began to work again, he slowly approached the body on the floor.
“Billy? My God, BILLY?!” With a quivering blood covered arm, he nudged Billy’s shoulder, but there was no movement. Then he noticed the tip of the knife sticking out of Billy’s side.
“Oh shit! Billy, I’m sorry!” Andrew sobbed as he turned the body over and gasped at the horrible damage the knife had done to Billy's body. It wasn’t nice and neat like on TV or in movies. The knife had penetrated Billy’s little body and the force of the impact caused the blade to slash sideways, skewering him. Billy was a mangled, bloody mess and his barren eyes stared straight at Andrew.
Freaking out, he called for Billy’s sister. “Amy!” he shouted over and over.
He staggered upstairs finding a bloody mess on her bed. Horrified, he made his way back downstairs and headed to the kitchen. When he entered the dining room he found Amy and her parents sitting at the table with mutilated faces and a candle burning in their father’s skull in a macabre tribute to the night of tricks or treats.
“My God, Billy. What have you done?”
Andrew pissed his designer jeans and ran from the house screaming incoherently into the darkness. He tripped and fell onto the lawn. Little trick-or-treaters gathered around watching him curl up in the yard, sobbing and screaming. A miniature Iron Man silently walked up to the older boy; he looked down with vacant eyes behind the plastic mask, with all his might kicked Andrew in the face. Then a little girl dressed as Hannah Montana joined in with tiny swift kicks to his body. Then Batman, Spongebob, the princess, a zombie, and many others descended on the boy. Within minutes, the swarm disbanded and skipped back off to their night of fun, happily shouting, “Trick or treat!”
Andrew lay dead on the grass. Just another gruesome Halloween decoration.