Her blog can be located at http://tlctouchedwithfire.wordpress.com/people-who-keep-moving-forward/
Meet Jason Mueller!
Now here’s a funny guy with a sense of humour. Like most creative persons out there we have our depressive moments and even in what seems like the deepest blackest hole there is a there is a light shining in this person and I’d like you to meet him.
What are some of the things you’re passionate about?
My wife and kids, God, politics, music, and succeeding at something after a life time of failure.
At the end of the day what keeps you “moving forward”?
My four kids! I realize that no matter what’s going on in my life it’s their lives that count. Nothing makes me angrier than parents who put their lives and needs constantly ahead of the kids. For example the kind of folks who sit there smoking away on the new carton of cigarettes they just dropped fifty bucks on but they are complaining the don’t have food and diapers for their baby! I’ll get off my soap box now.
When you’re depressed what helps bring you out?
Honestly sometimes nothing brings me out, wish it weren’t the case. Personally I’ve been in a horribly depressed state for almost two years now and have just recently been shocked out of it into some kind of action, but even now the damage I did to my relationships is depressing. My question is “what’s it like to not be depressed?
If there was one statement you could make that you stand for what would it be?
I’m really in a transition right now trying to get the help I’ve needed for a long time. So at the moment it would be “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.” And “with man nothing is possible, but with God all things are possible. Oooh and I can’t forget this from Conan the Barbarian “Crush you enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.”
How do you “combat” negativity when it presents itself?
I don’t know to be honest; it’s not a skill that I am very good at. Sometimes it’s just snuggling with the kids, listening to so music, pull out the bass and play a little.
What’s your favorite movie?
Oh gee umm let me see. I guess it would be “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation” if not then “Conan the Barbarian” oh wait I really like the first Shrek a lot, the kids say I look like him, oh and Finding Nemo. I liked Sinister a lot too………… I dunno?
Who is/are the people that inspire you to keep moving forward?
My wife and kids, Jesus Christ and Dory from Finding Nemo……… “Just keep swimming”
Do you have any links that you’d like to share with us?
Blog looks good, Jason. Keep on trucking.