Friday, August 31, 2012

thinking about writing some reviews? anyone have any opinions on that?

got approached about doing a short story for a halloween deal..... interesting

wrote a lot the last couple of days............ down side i'm not sure a bout a chapter hate the thought of slashing 10 pages!

i wrote a catholic exorcist and asked him some questions and he answered back. very nice guy!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I actually got quite a bit written yesterday! and i pretty much have the rest of the current project figured out i think! so good news right? well until it all goes to hell fed ex!

wife is getting ready to start 6 days in a row for work so i should have plenty of time to get some writing done while she is gone/sleeping

so for you viewing pleasure :)

I really hate her! stopped watching cause she wouldnt  die!

It's true the little ones are sneaky! 

The prettiest ghost hunter on TV! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do i have to?

so i got a messed up neck and back and i get to go get some kind of shots in my neck today........... this cant fun..............


Monday, August 27, 2012

I pretty much have the chapter that just wouldnt end done, i dont know why but it just took forever! it was too the point i just wanted to blow everyone up and end it..... "once upon a time.... screw it their dead" the end

check out my facebook page!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

last two days I've been busy with family stuff, i worked on the book when i could and got maybe a page or two done since Thursday night, but progress is progress right?

i'm up to 132 followers on twitter! follow me if you want

and facebook.. show me some love folks!

i am hoping that i will be able to finish the chapter i've been working on for what seems forever done today

Friday, August 24, 2012

Rest in Peace.................

in celebrity news that actually matters........


Sitting here relaxing with family...... wish i was finishing the chapter that just wont end


Facebook Page

if you havent liked my facebook page please consider doing so. thank you

morning folks hows everyone today? trying to figure out how to go about wrapping up the "Reclamation" connecting all the pieces and how to exit gracefully...... i only have 25K words to do it in

i see progress in this book tho compared to my first one which even tho it is "done" needs a ton of fixing in the editing and re-writes to connect the dots and make it all flow and make sense, that could be why that first one still hasnt been edited 

does anyone know how to get rid of the white boxes around my text? i have switched colors and played with it but no luck 


Thursday, August 23, 2012

more fun :)

here is a little portion of another book in the works and hopefully get finished someday!

Falling Rock Montana
“Jimmy” Alicia Macdonald called “you need to take Ginger out”.
“Ok mom” he called back. Eight year old Jimmy stuffed his feet into his snow boots and grabbed the leash. Getting the dog on the leash wasn’t that easy, with the lab puppy jumping around and trying to lick Jimmy every
 time he bent down to clip the leash.
Once outside after the dog had done its business, they scampered about in the snow, their giggles and yaps filling the winter air. Jimmy paused a moment and listened to the mournful howl that pierced the quiet evening. Jimmy shuddered thinking to himself that it sounded close, much closer than normal. He shuddered, his heart starting to beat faster.

“Here Ginger” he whispered. He reached for the end of the leash but the puppy was not aware of the danger and scampered away thinking they were still playing. Jimmy finally caught the end of the leash and pulled the puppy to him, he started for the door.

The coyotes watched from a short distance. They could smell food in the air. The waited patiently till the alpha male gave the sign. Soon he was up and running. The pack attacked the boy and his puppy, savagely ripping into the pair. Alicia heard Jimmy give a short cry of fear and pain. She dropped the dish she was washing and ran out side, to her horror her son was being shredded to pieces before her eyes. The puppy was already dead and the coyotes where feasting on it, while others still were trying to kill the child.

Alicia attacked the coyotes with the savagery that only a mother can display when she is protecting her young. The other dogs left the puppy and set upon her. The alpha male walked to the woman covered with his pack, he quietly ripped out her throat. As she laid there with her life blood pouring out her head rolled toward her son. As she faded she watched the pack start to eat her son, she soon realized vaguely that they were eating her too.

for fun

just a little blurb for fun

from Krokodil

December 27th. 
I made it to the pharmacy and back, I got the meds, but it was too late. Mary insisted that she would stay with the kids instead of going with me like I wanted. They’re all dead now. 
I don’t know what to do

Not enjoying a book too much

i don't want to get into what book i'm currently reading because i don't want someone tearing me apart someday but suffice it to say i'm really NOT digging it, not a very good story. supposedly there are others in the series maybe their better? good news is this book was free, bad news is if the others arent i wont risk buying.

what do you guys think is it cool to out a book you think is bad?


baby steps

i've been really distracted lately and not feeling very well. so i havent been able to sit and write for long periods of time but i have been writing even if its just a couple of sentences here and there, i hit 60k words on the new project!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

So what what is your weapon of choice for the Zombie apocalypse? One of mine is the Remington 870 with 18 inch barrel and 7 round magazine............... 00 goodness!

Been busy the last couple of days and havent gotten a whole lot done as far as writing, weeding through the new contacts some. i think kids are getting sick but other than that i think i have the week free now and hopefully will get back on track.


Monday, August 20, 2012


been a busy almost 24 hours on facebook. they had a link/like a page exchange and i got a bunch of likes. i went from the low 30's to 280 in a day. what will be interesting to see is if that actually makes a difference

kinda overwhelmed at the moment i have so much too do and the attention span of a not so bright bumble bee.....................


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Facebook page

tonight i hit 122 likes on my facebook page due to an event on there that i participated in. i'm not sure what it really means in the future but i am thankful for those who have liked my page and are willing to support me!


Morning routine.........

i'm finding my morning computer routine is taking almost an hour before i can even start working. by then i'm hurtin and dont want to sit here any longer. i can see where this is just going to get worse as i get the web page going eventually and who knows what else to make a go of this.........


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Domain name bought!

so as the title says i finally chose and bought my domain name, now i have to figure out how in the world to build it, where to host it, and content. i'm having a hard enough time keeping up with this blog, facebook, and twitter.

i can see from my statistics that a few folks are looking here at this site and i just want to thank everyone for doing so, and i hope to get better at all this before too long.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I didnt get to sleep until about 8am this morning. Insomnia stinks! Feeling really tired and blah. I did get some writing done, maybe a half of a page or a page im not sure. I'm not worried. Progress is progress...... right?

Good things are happening! I am continuing to make progress on the project I am working on at the present and I am getting some good research done for a future project. I've discovered the Scrivener writing app and it's completely changed how I organize and what's even better is that I didn't have to give up my previous system Scrivener actually just complimented what i was already doing!

I am also hoping to get my domain name set up soon!

and lastly I've made some more friends and contacts of fellow writers/readers/ and artist with the help of a very nice young lady named Bathsheba Dailey you'll finder her blog page link on a previous post. please check her out!

also I would love for you to check out my facebook page and like it, if you feel so inclined, i'm just getting going on this adventure in "marketing" so please bear with me as I learn the ins and outs.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Big Boost!

Thanks to my new friend Bathsheba I got a lot of new hits on my facebook page!

i don't know if anyone is even looking at this yet but check out her blog here on blogspot


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hi welcome to my first attempt at a blog! As the title says my name is Jason Mueller but i go by Jake. i am a writer who is just starting out really i've got one manuscript "done" it needs edited and re -written, i know done isnt the right word i'm not sure what the technical term is... un done? but i have it and several others in the works and a ton of other ideas, maybe some where around 30 ideas for books at this point and one screen play, yes one lonely lonely screen play idea. 

I don't know what i'm doing yet so please be patient while i get this all figured out i am hoping to have my domain name soon (are all writers broke?) 

feel free to add me on facebook 
