Sunday, December 23, 2012

This is something I wrote a couple years ago and some of you may have read this, I have added a bit to it this year so there are some changes, for those of you who have not read this before I pray that it makes you take pause and consider your life, your destiny and your eternity.

Mary Christmas!

I wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Mary Christmas.
Yes I know it should be Merry Christmas. I was thinking that it might be a good time to acknowledge the Virgin Mary in this quick note.

So we all know that the reason for the season is of course Jesus Christ. But I think there is value in taking a quick look at Mary this Christmas season.

I think we should honor Mary for a number of reasons such as her character and integrity. The angel said to her that she was highly favored by God when he announced to her that she was to conceive the savior of the world. How can one be highly favored by a perfect and Holy God with out having an excellent character. It makes me ponder what kind of person one must be to be highly favored by God and for God to have that kind of confidence in them to raise his son and usher in the new covenant that has the potential to reconcile all mankind back to God?

This virgin birth is one of the cornerstones to our faith, there are many prophecies concerning the messiah but the virgin birth has to be one of the big ones. Indeed this is one of the main things that set Jesus apart from other religious figures of other faiths, Buddha, Mohammed, nor could Krishna make the claim to be the son of God. It was Christ’s divinity that allowed him to be the savior of the world, and it was the virgin birth that fulfilled what was written by the prophet Isaiah so many hundreds of years before.

Isa 7:14

14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

For those of you who aren’t aware the name Immanuel when translated means “God with us” and that is the beauty of our faith, our God clothed himself in flesh and came to save us!

And to my friends that scoff at the concept of the virgin birth, from our view, our God is the creator of everything and as the author of life the virgin birth was indeed miraculous but ultimately not out of Gods ability, and to my friends who scoff at the virgin birth and have chosen evolution as your religion since you believe and profess that life came from nothing, the virgin birth should come as no surprise.

Would Mary have perpetrated this ruse if it wasn't true? In her time and culture being pregnant out of wed lock could have been her death if Joseph had chosen. She could have claimed rape or some other claim but she didn't she clung to the promise of God in her life and his protection and provision. She accepted the call on her life despite the inherent risk to herself while so many turn their backs on God when he calls them into a soul saving relationship with him.

Another thing to contemplate about her character is her faith! She didn’t doubt that God was going to do what he said he was going to do. She did ask the angel how it was all going to happen though. But keep in mind that she was asking the how; not doubting. God doesn’t mind you asking about logistics he does mind doubt though.

God trusted her to raise his son as her son, to train him in all ways. What an honor but not with out its risks. In that day and age to be pregnant without being married was punishable by stoning. The fact was she had the faith in God to risk being killed showed her devotion to God.

She not only saw the beauty and wonderment of the life that sprang forth from her body and all the miracles that Jesus would do, but she was there as a faithful witness to the mutilation and final death of her son. I think sometimes we forget the human trauma she suffered while witnessing all of these things because we get wrapped up in the “theology” of the season. Can you imagine watching your son being killed in front of you?

 Mary watched, that’s what she did. She watched the savior take his first steps, she watched as he played, she watched as he became a man, she watched as he learned his earthly fathers’ trade, she watched as he turned water into wine, she watched demons departed at his voice, and people healed just by touching his clothes. But this isn’t all she observed. She watched as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to the cheering of the multitude, she also watched that multitude turn on her son and chant for his crucifixion, she watched the religious leaders beat her son and pull his beard, she watched roman soldiers flog her son till his insides were exposed, and she watched them nail her son, her baby to a cross, she watched as he gave his last breath, she watched as they stabbed him with a spear to see if he was dead, she watched as the centurion that carried out the murder of her son changed his mind and decided that her son was the son of God, she watched as they took his body down from the cross, she watched as they laid him in a tomb. Can you imagine witnessing the destruction of your child?

But there were other things she witnessed, she was there when he had risen and appeared to them, she was there when he ascended to heaven to receive his kingdom, and she was there on the day of Pentecost when the church was born in fulfillment of her sons’ life work.

To really think about it, it’s all too much to bear! What a strong woman, strong in character and strong in faith. I don’t think we should worship Mary as some do, but we should be willing to look at her life and find an excellent example and encouragement.

As we look to this New Year I pray that we all may have a Mary heart, be submitted to God, and willing to watch what he does in our lives!


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